
  • Sale
  • Regular price $149.00

Standard Saber Build

  • Single Colour Saber (Ultra-Bright LED)
  • Available in blue, green, or red

The STANDARD Saber Build is the most affordable. With this build, your Saber will come in one of three blade colours (blue, green, or red) and have all the same quality technology as our other builds, but will not come with the option of changing blade color.

Spectrum Saber Build

  • Seamlessly cycle through 11+ colours with a single button
  • Ultra-Bright RGB Multicolour LED

The SPECTRUM Saber Build offers incredible quality for a great price. With this build, your Saber will 11 blade colours that can be changed effortlessly with a button. Colours cycle gradually to allow customized colour intensity.

Krystal Saber Build

  • Infinite Colour Saber (LED-infused neopixel blade)
  • Reactive blade effects (Rising blade, lightning deflection, etc.)
  • Gyroscope Technology

The KRYSTAL Saber Build is the most advanced Saber technology on the market. The blade is lined with LED's, allowing for effects such as a gradually rising blade, lightning deflection and more. Gyroscope technology generates smooth, realistic Saber swings. An infinite colour gradient selection can be accessed by pressing a button and slowly rotating the hilt.

Your Saber's Build will determine the technology installed inside the hilt of your Saber, as well as which customization options are available. Press on one of the three Saber Build icons above to learn more.

All Saber Builds come with Flash-On-Clash, Lock-On-Clash, Premium Sound, 9 different sound fonts (as well as music and blaster sound effects), and removable blades unless otherwise specified. Shipping: 1-2 weeks.

The default PREMIUM Soundboard comes with 9+ Sound Fonts (including smooth swing), as well as flash-on-clash, lock-on-clash, music and blaster sound effects..
The default PREMIUM Soundboard comes with 9+ Sound Fonts (including smooth swing), as well as flash-on-clash, lock-on-clash, music and blaster sound effects..
The default PREMIUM Soundboard comes with 9+ Sound Fonts (including smooth swing), as well as flash-on-clash, lock-on-clash, music and blaster sound effects..


Select an LED colour for your Saber
Choose a blade type and length for your Saber (Note: Make sure to include a 7/8 inch Blade Adapter in your order if you choose a 7/8 inch blade.)
Choose a blade type and length for your Saber (Note: Make sure to include a 7/8 inch Blade Adapter in your order if you choose a 7/8 inch blade.)
Choose a blade type and length for your Saber (Note: Make sure to include a 7/8 inch Blade Adapter in your order if you choose a 7/8 inch blade.)
Select extras to include in your order.

The Rogue is a weapon engineered to channel rage and fury. Born from a wicked rage, the Rogue has a lengthy body featuring a wide-ribbed grip tucked between two ringed extensions. With weight bulked near the emitter, the Rogue invites its heir to use their entire body for unleashing devastating two-handed blows.

First time buying a saber? To learn how they work, click here.


“A lifetime of lies, deception, indoctrination... all for this one sliver of sincerity. In your eyes I see the only truth; fear, pain, betrayal! This has been our final lesson. Thank you, Master.''

The Rogue's story begins with a young student of the order, Kiya. After decades of refining her combat abilities, Kiya became aware of a latent, often involuntary skill; she could influence her opponents' emotions. Several strange incidents involving other students caused her Master to grow weary of her. Kiya's fear of being turned away festered until it infected her Master, who unwittingly revealed that he had sought help from the Grandmaster. Twisted with rage upon learning that her own Master had feared her in silence, she murdered him in cold blood and deserted the order.


Come to me on Klyssyus.
There is dormant power in you yet.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Outstanding Saber

The Rogue Saber is a novice wielder’s dream. The way the hilt glides while in rotation is so smooth, I feel like it is an extension of my body. As far as the visuals of the blade, I’m extremely impressed with its brilliant and blazing beam that it provides me, and it encourages me to be a brave and valiant warrior, and this Saber is great for dual wielding. All colors on the spectrum come through very vivid, and the different vibes it’s able to create are mood changing. I truly feel like this Saber is a great buy for anyone starting out , or for any collector that needs a sleek addition to their Saber family.

Evan Mitchell
Rogue Sabers

This is my first Neopixel saber, and I love it! It's a decent length and has a really nice balance to it. Perfect for spinning and flourishing, definitely great for fast and fluid motions as well! And the sound quality is phenomenal!! Oh let's not forget the brightness either, even in the day that blade is BRIGHT! For a first time purchase it was worth it!

Samy Mustafa
Very satisfied

Very high quality sound annd light the saber comes with a lot of different sound effect and opening i defenetly recommend buying this one but im sure the other ones will also be very nice!